Note: I found this letter/essay on a faded piece of
school notebook paper in an old book that I purchased at a recent used book
sale. There was no signature or byline. It was very hard to read.
It was practically scribbled. But the first line grabbed me, because I am
interested in discoveries. And so I struggled to read it. I had to
rewrite it because it was really hard to decipher. It looked like it was
a huge effort for the person that wrote it.
The Significance
In my research I have discovered a new physiological protein receptor
that when activated can lead to very addictive postures.
It is well known that drugs like cocaine simply activate receptors in
the brain that already exist for other purposes. Usually the drug acts
just like some other molecule in our body only the drug works
"better". We have switches in our brain that when turned on can
cause a myriad of responses. Some molecules attach to molecular receptors
on nerve endings and the thrown switch may be a sense of well-being or even
euphoria. Often times what the drug does is it grabs onto the receptor
better than the natural molecule. The drug may bind tighter and not let go like
the weaker natural molecule does. In that way, it works
"better." The result of the drug is a much stronger or
prolonged stimulus. It is often so strong that entire brain pathways are
altered. Proteins in the brain can be chemically changed resulting in
what we call "addiction".
The receptor I discovered is similar, but it is activated by a touch not
by a specific drug. The receptor is near the middle of the back. When a
simple tap activates this receptor the subdermal protein's structure is
temporarily altered and it sends a signal to the brain. It is almost like
pushing a button. A feeling of well-being follows. Some have described the
experience as a sense of importance or significance. That is why I call
this protein the “significance receptor”. There is also a noticeable reflective
response. The person receiving the stimulus almost always stands up straighter.
It is almost impossible for an individual to reach back and pat their own
receptor, although some have been seen trying to activate their own receptor.
The "natural" purpose of the receptor is probably to cause a
very positive feeling like when a mother wraps her arms around a young child
and unwittingly activates the protein receptor.
Most people are not even aware of the actual receptor. They just think patting someone on the back
is a perfectly natural thing to do. Some
say it is just a cultural gesture.
I just happened upon the discovery of this protein by accident.
So many important scientific advances occur serendipitously. Usually a scientist is studying something completely unrelated to the important discovery.
So many important scientific advances occur serendipitously. Usually a scientist is studying something completely unrelated to the important discovery.
I found the receptor by writing and talking.
I started writing for my kids. Believe me, the addiction to the
pat did not start there! I shared some of my writings with my friends.
I also had some successful speaking engagements to small groups. Best I can
tell is that is where the addiction began. I did not know it fully but
people activated that protein in the middle of my back after they read what I
wrote or listened to me speak. I think what I wrote or said meant
something to them, and they good-naturedly patted my receptor.
I became a sort of itinerant preacher speaking to larger and larger
groups and churches. You may wonder how a preacher could also make an important
discovery in physiology. But you should
remember that pastors like John Wesley and Jonathan Edwards were also published
scientists in their day.
I spoke to and wrote for people because I wanted them to grow and love
God more. At least I think I did. But once my significance button
was pushed over and over again, my motives changed without me fully realizing
I continued to write articles for Christian Journals and I wrote two
Unconsciously, along with the pats, I really enjoyed hearing people say,
"significant", "moving", "profound", and the most
deadly phrase of all: “Maybe you should start a radio ministry.”
The next step in the addiction process was that I began to expect to
hear those words. If I did not hear them, I experienced disappointment at
first and then even deep anger! The whole motive for writing had changed.
Instead of: Will this edify others?
My motive became: Will it make a
significant contribution? And, Will it be recognized as influential?
Then it went a step further to: Will it make me significant?
Will others see me as important?
Finally I actually began to seek the praise
and adoration of others. But at this time I noticed fewer people responding
to my words. And the pats on my significance receptor came from fewer and fewer
people. I was invited to speak less often. I wondered, "What
Happened?" I became edgy and angry, especially when a dear friend
offered “constructive criticism.”
So, I had an engineer put in place an apparatus that fits around my
shoulders. It works in a way that when ever I take a step or similar motion a
lever flips and touches my protein receptor. I began to get strange looks
from people, but I never even thought it had anything to do with my
“significance apparatus”.
So lonely…
One day I had a slight seizure. After going to the neurologist, I
was told that I had an advanced form of a rare neck cancer. I began to
slump over. It affected my motor skills,
especially my handwriting and speech. It had also spread to my brain. I found
that I could hardly write at all. What a
terror to see my powers, on which I had
come rely, fade away. Indeed this little essay, to whomever will someday
find it, was extremely hard to write. It has taken all of my energy and
probably shortened my life. But maybe it will prolong the life of someone
who finds it. No, this knowledge will not cure cancer. The life I
am talking about is The Life.
Soon blood will stop flowing through my veins. But that is not The Life. The Life is what I
realize I was writing for in the first place! But every time I expected
to receive that pat on the back, I now see, The Life was pushed farther out of
my life. I must have really died sometime ago.
The Life is Jesus.
As I sought more and more to get that "pat on the back" Jesus
was pushed away from me. He took a step back because He had to stand
outside my own self-significance. And my significance kept growing and
growing. He also probably did not want to get hit by the lever on my
significance apparatus! When my importance was deflated I thought my life was
over. I was no longer significant. I did not realize it at first ,
but Jesus was able to step closer to me. Did He give me cancer? Did
He cause me to die? I will soon be able to ask Him that question face to
But I now realize that my good writing and speaking talents came from
Him to begin with. They were meant to pat others’ receptors. Actually
before I got sick I thought I might have discovered another receptor called the
encouragement receptor. But it is too late for me to research and confirm
the existence of this receptor. But, O, how I wish I had discovered this
encouragement receptor so long ago. It is too late, it is too late it is
But maybe the finder of this last of my words can continue my research.
If I could only have found that receptor that breathes courage into
others, I would have put a metal plate over my significance receptor!
Even now I see my significance apparatus on the chair in the corner of my
room. How painful it was to remove it. It had almost grown into my
skin like a tree grows around a nail.
Now for the first time I can say I have become nothing.
Wait, I just felt something. Let me try it again.
I am nothing!
I see something or someone standing in front of my significance
apparatus. There is a brightness! I cannot see the contraption
anymore...Who is that!?
That is where
the note ended.
I felt compelled
to transcribe it for others to see. Maybe we can take it as a strong
warning. Maybe we can find that encouragement receptor.
I made some more
observations. The book, in which I found
the note, was in an old hymnal. There
was no date on the note but the copyright in the hymnal was from 1965 and it
had the location “City of Commerce, CA” stamped on the inside. I presume the
note had been in the hymnal a long time since there was a yellowed imprint of
the paper left over the top of the hymn “The Old Rugged Cross”.
My dear children, I
must ask you, what is your
significance apparatus?
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