Saturday, September 19, 2015

Distraction Drills

On September 5, 2013 the Denver Broncos’ quarterback Payton Manning threw 7 touchdowns!  This has not been done since 1969. Now if you are not a follower of football that is ok, but I think you will like this story.  To me that incredible on field success is not the best part of the tale.  It is the off the field experience of this future Hall of Famer that makes the on the field performance so fantastic.

In 2011 it was thought that Payton Manning might never play again.  The then 35-year-old NFL veteran had to sit out an entire season after having serious neck surgery.  This was an injury that doctors had little experience with when trying to predict his chances at coming back.  His old team gave up on him.  They did not even try to trade him. The Indianapolis Colts outright released this four time NFL MVP that led them to the 2006 Super bowl championship.  

Not only did he comeback in 2012, he also led his new team, the Denver Broncos, all the way to the AFC playoffs.  But it was in this game that he had another huge setback.  Seconds away from victory the opposing Ravens quarterback throws a Hail Mary pass to tie the game.  The Ravens eventually won the game in double overtime. It has been called the most devastating loss in Broncos history.  Manning threw two interceptions; one of those was run back for a touchdown that would prove the difference in the game’s outcome.  The loss would have demoralized many a good player.  (Think Bill Buckner)

So who does Manning face in the first game of the 2013 season.  You guessed it, the Super Bowl XLVII winning nemesis Baltimore Ravens.  This time the outcome was
just as historic in favor of Manning and the Broncos.

But that is not the story I want to tell you.  I want to tell you about how Manning was able to stay focused through so much adversity on and off the field.  During his recovery from neck surgery Manning went back to his old trusted coach who is now at Duke University.  Coach David Cutliffe really put Peyton through a rigorous regimen.   While Manning practiced his throws, re-learned how to throw actually, Coach Cutliffe had staffers throwing stuffed equipment bags at Manning. 

“We call those distraction drills,” Cutliffe said. “One of the more critical things for a quarterback to prove to you is that his eyes stay downfield.  We’re making him make decisions….At the same time, he’s got big bags being thrown down at his hips, legs, across his face.  But you know he’s keeping his eyes downfield.”


Friends, I have to admit I want that kind of focus, not on downfield receivers, but on Jesus.  I want to think about my beloved Friend all day long.  I want to hear Him speak of how He loves me and to be constantly practicing His presence.  How much more glorious my life would be if I could simply focus.  But, you know, it just seems like life in the 21st century is so full of distractions!  Oh, if I could just keep my mind set on Jesus and His love how that would affect the rest of my life.  I can imagine the love of Jesus flowing through me into the lives of my students, my wife, my kids.  How much I could become like Him if I could just keep thinking about Him.  I think of the peace and joy and freedom I could experience with my thoughts full of Christ.  These are the things I pray for you too!

But there are so many distractions!  Why?

It so often seems that the minute I sit down and really begin to concentrate my heart and soul on Jesus, my kids will at that very moment get in a tiff.  Or I will be contemplating some great hymn as I commute to work and some @#$%! will cut me off.  I get angry and I lose focus, argh!  Oh, and then there are all of those wonderful gadgets that were invented to serve us. Or have we ended up serving the gadgets?  There are new apps to try out on the iPad, new songs to listen to, new woodworking tools to crave, more text messages, more text messages and MORE TEXT MESSAGES!  And those are not even the bad distractions.  It seems as though my flesh, the world or the devil so often have their way with me by suggesting all kinds of evil, prideful, lustful ideas and desires.  I am constantly being told how much I lack.  It is enough to drive me to distraction!!

But I think God has something else in mind.  I believe that God has assigned you and I to live in this place in this time in this culture in the midst of all these distractions to prove something. 

 “In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.  These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.  Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,  for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
1Peter 1:6-9

There is a little word tucked in verse 9 that I want to point out in the Greek.  It is the word for “end”.  The Greek is “telos.”  It is a great little word.  It can also be translated “aim” or “purpose.”  It is where we get our word telescope.  Aim, purpose, end, telescope, FOCUS!  God is using all of those trials, and temptations, and distractions to teach us to focus on the end goal.  And He is that end goal, Himself! 

I think there is some eternal value to all of our distractions if we use them as God intended them to teach us to stay focused on Jesus in the midst of our crazy culture and distracted lives.  This life is training for our eternal life.  And even greater than what we get out of it is this:

“His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms…” Ephesians 3:10

What an amazing thought! You and I are on display.  When we stand firm and make every effort, along with the power of the Spirit, to stay focused on Jesus He gets the glory!

Recently I was experiencing some dreadful spiritual and mental and emotional darkness.  I felt as though I were falling into a pit of despair.  I heard a small voice say, “Focus on Me.”  Oh, it was so hard.  I just wanted to cry. And after a while the darkness lifted.  And I sense now it was all in training to stay focused on Him, but only in His Power.

Friends, I am not telling you to purposely increase the distractions in your life.  If you are like me you already have plenty.  In fact it would be a good idea to think about the distractions in life that we can get rid of.  Do we really need to send all of those text messages?  And I am asking you to consider those things in your life that are taking your focus off of Jesus.  Can it be eliminated?  But most of all I am asking you to stand firm in the midst of the crazy distractions that we just can do nothing about.  Let them train you to focus.  If you are a Christian leader, all of us are to some extent; our job is to lead by primarily keeping our people focused on one thing, Jesus and His love!  Is ministry taking up your focus?  Has ministry distracted you from fully “telescoping” on Jesus? 

Then I beg you to repent, refocus!

I would have to say that one of the biggest distractions in my life is the church.  Oh Father, don’t let the institution of the church distract me from You and Your peace and Your joy and Your freedom!

Sometimes it seems that our current life in this world is so full of distractions that it’s like, it’s like, well trying to pray while sitting on an ant hill covered in honey!

I want to end by telling you one of my all time favorite stories about the Norwegian Winter Olympian Magnar Solberg.  The biathlon is a grueling event.  You have to cross country ski 12.4 miles (20 km) and stop every so often and shoot a gun at targets.  Now imagine trying to focus on a tiny target yards away with your heart pounding inside your chest.  In 1968 Solberg was not one of the favorites.  But his coach had taught him how to focus. 

“On purpose, my coach placed the shooting stand right in an anthill.  When I shot from this stand on hot summer days, my legs were immediately covered with ants. This was very disturbing, especially when they reached my face.”

In the Grenoble Olympics in 1968 Solberg was not the fastest skier, but he hit all 20 targets.  He won gold!  He came back in 1972 to win a second gold medal. 


Now I am not at all suggesting that you go out and sit on an anthill. Just living everyday life in 2013 has plenty of distractions without adding ants to it!  (Although this current Southern California heat wave has sent hundreds of the little pests into our kitchen!) But what I am trying to say is that all of those distractions are for an eternal “weight of glory” if you train, along with the power of the Holy Spirit, to stay focused on Jesus, to attempt to practice His Immanuel Presence!  I am convinced that you and I were put on this earth at this time for a purpose.  And part of that purpose is to train us to focus (telos) on Christ in the midst of one of the most distracting times in human history.  The Apostle Paul tells us in Colossians 3:1-2 to set our minds and our affections on Jesus.  Think about Jesus and His love as much as possible. Keep your eyes “downfield” through those distraction drills! And when you get hit by an “equipment bag”…refocus again!

“And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does disappoint, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” Romans 5:2-5

Would you have a conversation with God right now about the distractions in your life?

Friends, this life is full of distractions!  I implore you to stay focused!  Persevere!  And you will receive something much better than a gold medal.  Seven touchdowns? That’s nothing!  Your endurance puts you up for the “crown of life!”  And there are a thousand generations right now cheering you on!

1 comment:

  1. My faith was dwindling, and I was at a dark place. I don't know how I came across this read, but it gave me encouragement and comfort. Thank you.
